How Hugh Jackman and Others Could Prevent Skin Cancers

Hugh Jackman is something of an anomaly among Hollywood stars. Rather than hide behind makeup and touched-up photos, the actor has repeatedly spoken about his battles with skin cancer. He tweets photos of himself following lesion removals in the hope that his experience provides a cautionary tale, to stay out of the sun and to remain vigilant by checking your skin for possible skin cancer after years of sun damage.


When it comes to treating basal cell carcinoma and other skin cancers, most people take a reactive approach: they call for urgent appointments when they see something unusual, then walk around for a few days with a bandage covering a spot that has been excised. That has been the treatment plan: burn off the cancerous cells and “wait and see” if others appear.

Dr. Adam Scheiner says there is a better way – improving the health of damaged skin before it has the chance to become cancerous, and stopping the recurrence of skin cancers while  erasing years or even decades of sun damage.

“Many people don’t realize how dramatically Ultraviolet (UV) rays negatively impact the collagen and elastic fibres in our skin, as well as damaging the DNA in our skin cells. Once we start to notice its effects, it’s too late!" says Dr. Scheiner.

He has developed a proprietary procedure, RESET® For Sun Damage, that “resets” a person’s skin to a healthier state. With results that can last for years, RESET® For Sun Damage uses the technology of Laser Skin Resurfacing and a proprietary healing protocol to reverse facial sun damage and remove many pre-cancers - even some active skin cancers.

A great example of the impact of Dr. Scheiner’s RESET® for Sun Damage was seen in the treatment of Michael, a 60-year old who traveled from Sacramento to Tampa for the RESET procedure. Though Michael’s primary motivation for the getting the procedure was his appearance, another factor in his decision was that his father had suffered through 11 skin cancer removal procedures and eventually died of the disease. And he was acutely aware of the risks he faced after decades of intense exposure to the sun -- by competing in swimming and water polo in high school and college, summers working as a lifeguard as well as agricultural and construction jobs. Dr. Scheiner performed the RESET procedure, where he eliminated nine precancerous skin lesions that would not have appeared until years down the road – when they would be far more serious and difficult to treat.  

For anyone with bad sun habits, too much time on the tennis court, golf course or on the water there is a high probability there are irregular cells lying hidden beneath the surface of their skin.

Dr. Scheiner’s RESET® for Sun Damage procedure dramatically reduces those irregular cells, providing his patients with skin that not only looks better, but is actually a return to its original healthy state before sun damage ever occurred.


SPECIAL NOTE: Hugh Jackman’s image and story are being used in this story for illustrative purposes only. Mr. Jackman is not, and never has been, a patient of Dr. Scheiner’s.

Elizabeth Kanna

Media Contact for Adam Scheiner, M.D.

About Adam Scheiner, M.D

Dr. Adam Scheiner is a world-renowned laser eyelid and facial cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Scheiner is the founder of RESET® Treatment for Festoons, and RESET for Sun Damage and Wrinkles. He is the author of The True Definition of Beauty and has been featured on the Dr. OZ ShowThe Doctors, the Howard Stern Show, as well as the New York Post.